Sales Funnels

Sales funnels are created from the elements that make up the process of getting a potential client, having them subscribe to your email list, for example, and then ending up buying from you … again and again.

This may involved website building, special website ‘Landing’ page creation, email marketing, Social Media posting, surveys and much more. Done-For-You-Internet can complete every single task for you on an ongoing basis so that every campaign is successful.

No matter which niche market you are in, get in touch for a helping hand.

What Is a Sales Funnel?

Imagine an online sales funnel as a journey your potential customers take from first hearing about your product or service to making a purchase. Here's a simplified breakdown:

  • Awareness (Top of the Funnel):

- This is where people first learn about your product or service. It could be through social media, online ads, or other marketing efforts. The goal is to make them aware that your solution exists.

  • Interest (Middle of the Funnel):

- Once people are aware, you want to capture their interest. This could involve providing more information, offering valuable content, or showcasing the benefits of your product. The aim is to keep them engaged and wanting to learn more.

  • Decision (Bottom of the Funnel):

- Now that they're interested, it's time for potential customers to make a decision. This is where you might provide them with special offers, product demonstrations, or customer testimonials to help them decide that your product is the right choice for them.

  • Action (Conversion):

- The final stage is when the potential customer becomes an actual customer by making a purchase. This could happen on your website, through a form, or by some other means depending on your business model.

The idea is that not everyone who becomes aware of your product will end up making a purchase. The funnel helps you focus your efforts on those who are most likely to become customers by guiding them through a series of steps tailored to their level of interest and readiness to buy.

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